Fake Broken Screen Prank App 2025

Hello dear friends. If you generally do to prank someone, if you want to be funny with your friends or if you are funny and wanna make your pranks more realistic for your friends or kids then I’m gonna tell you about Fake Broken Screen prank android application.

What Is Fake Broken Screen Prank App ?

This app change a normal looking screen to fake broken screen and it’s so realistic as actual broken screen but differences it is not actually broken. It has different type of broken glass images for result output graphics on screen. Now I am going to tell you how works first after applying this application if you touch the screen then automatically your screen look like shattered glass or broken glass and it’s effect is so realistic. It is just prank or simulator app and it doesn’t harm your device as said by it’s original app developer. It’s all functions and all option we will now discuss each one by one.

Fake Broken Screen Prank App

Features Of Broken Screen Prank App

Crack Effect :

Its main function of application as it’s name tells .There is 8 kind of crack effect in which few are fully cracked and some of them are broken ,gun shot broken, partially broken or partially crack, heavy scratched and other things.You can see below with few preview of them.

Electric Effect :

Imagine thunder lightning in your phone ! How Cool is that. That you can do virtualy in realistic effects . Here in this app there is four different styles with colour effect of lighting that you can use . Either blue, pink, yellow or red lightning with dark clouds. After applying , when you touch anywhere in screen a lightning sound suddenly rises and lightning initiate from your point of touch. Good hepatic and vibration also plays a major role to make these virtual effect to realistic feel.

Fire screen :

Now here you imagine fire flame in your fingertips. Wherever you touch fire oose out or small flame come out with Full control . Its not just it how’s that feel if you’r breath make fire like a giant dragon. This application make these imaginary things to virtually possible for just your fun. Here two options available. One is fire touch, in which wherever you touch in display, a small flame with animation appears and and multiple touch result in multiple fire visuals. Each fire visual last after few seconds automatically to make display clear. Now the second option is fire blow, in which when you exhale on mic side then it sense breath sounds and big fire flame spreads at bottom of screen . You can see these from below screenshot.

Funny Sounds :

Another funny portion of application is this. It extremely collection of various funny sounds that we hear in general daily life in normal way but when it comes from other than original source then it make you laugh and its prank suits . For this kind of pranks realistic sound works great. So here in this application sound of Air horn (6 variety of sound), fart sound (6 variety of sound), hair clipper( 3 speed of sound) , car horn sound ( 3 types of sound ), Breaking plate sound ( 6 types of sound), door bell sound ( 3 types of sound) , Gun shot sound ( 6 types of sound) , teaser gun sound ( 3 types of sound), animal sound of Dog , Cat , Bee, Chicken, Duck , Beer, Crocodile, Mosquito and sheep , Police siren sound (3 types of sound) that also can useful in some scenareio, Burp sound ( 3 types of sound) and other sounds like Horror, cough , Sneezing, Clapping, Laughing etc.
These all things take your prank to a different level.

Why Broken Screen Prank App?

  • Realistic Crack Wallpapers
  • Breaking Glass Sound Effect
  • This App Can Crack Screen By Touching Hand
  • Not Real But So Realistic
  • User Friendly
  • Always On Screen

Installation And Process

  1. Go To Play Store On Your Mobile Phone.
  2. Click On Search Button.
  3. Search “Broken Screen Prank App“.
  4. Click On Install Button.
  5. Wait For Installation.
  6. After Installation You Can Use This App.
App NameBroken Screen Prank
Last Updated5 Feb 2025
Requires Android5.0 And Above
Presented ByHappy Spark
Released On2015
Downloads50,00,000 +

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